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Thornburg Mortgage Home Loans

Murray, Frank & Sailer LLP is investigating securities fraud claims on behalf of all persons or entities who purchased the Mortgage Loan Pass-Through Certificates (the "Certificates") of Thornburg Mortgage Home Loans, Inc. ("Thornburg Mortgage" or the "Company"), the securitization subsidiary of' Defendant Thornburg Mortgage, Inc., pursuant and/or traceable to the false and misleading Registration Statements and related Prospectuses and Prospectus Supplements (collectively, the "Offering Documents").

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It is alleged that the Offering Documents filed in connection with certain Certificates issued by ten separate issuing trusts contained materially false and misleading statements concerning the Certificates' value, investment risks, and quality of the underlying mortgage loans in violation of Sections 11, 12 and 15 of the Securities Act of 1933.

Nowhere in the Offering Documents did the Defendants disclose that the Certificates were not supported by high-quality prime loans, but instead were supported by risky, Alternative-A ("Alt-A") mortgage loans. Alt-A loans are issued to borrowers who do not qualify for Grade "A," or "prime," mortgage loans. Although the borrowers behind these mortgages will typically have clean credit histories, the mortgage itself will generally have some issues that increase its risk profile, such as higher loan-to-value ("LTV") and debt-to-income ratios or inadequate documentation of the borrower's income. Therefore Alt-A loans are considered riskier than prime loans.

If you purchased Thornburg Mortgage Certificates pursuant and/or traceable to the false and misleading Offering Documents and wish to represent a class of investors in this action or have questions concerning this notice or your rights, please contact us.

275 Madison Avenue, Suite 801
New York, NY 10016
Phone: (212) 682-1818
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